Chinas February oil demand has risen at its slowest pace since September, but remained at the fourth highest rate ever as the Lunar New Year holidays weakened consumption. According to Reute.........
see more >>Proposal awaits approval from authorities, says NPC deputy Chinas planned crude oil futures will likely see the first attempt to inject foreign investments into the mainlands commodity deriv.........
see more >>ASTANA: Kazakhstan hopes to start working on further pipeline capacity expansion to China this year, the head of its oil pipeline monopoly said on Monday, a move that would weaken Russias po.........
see more >>Australia has seven LNG developments under construction worth a total $190 billion, which, when completed by the end of the decade, will make Australia the largest supplier of LNG in the wor.........
see more >>Commercial production of shale gas could start in China within five years, but the country has to move fast to improve its extraction technology and lower the cost, executives from major par.........
see more >>But bottlenecks in availability and fueling station scarcity Responding to rising fuel prices and pollution, more cars in China are converting to natural gas, yet current market conditions a.........
see more >>As the news of Hugo Chavezs death filtered through the Great Hall of the People yesterday, Chinas leaders must have had mixed emotions. During the past few years they have supported Venezuel.........
see more >>China National Offshore Oil Corp.s chief executive officer defended his countrys global energy acquisitions. The state-owned company last month completed its $15.1 billion purchase of Canadi.........
see more >>With about a fifth of the human population and the second largest economy, China surely deserves the attention of the world. The country is a global force regardless of western cynics, in pa.........
see more >>China is stepping up support for distributed generation, after State Grid Corp. of China (SGCC) said it would permit easier access to the power grid for distributed energy resource (DER) pro.........
see more >>China has just surpassed the US as the worlds largest oil importer. This is the story of rising Chinese demand. But its also the story of rising US oil production. And THATs the story of sha.........
see more >>CNOOC Ltd. completed its acquisition of Nexen Inc. for $15.1 billion giving the Chinese oil and gas firm holdings in Nexens oil sand and shale gas plays in Canada along with conventional cru.........
see more >>It didnt take long for Craig Dickman to hear something interesting about natural gas in the transportation business at the CeraWeek energy conference, which kicked off Monday. Dickmans compa.........
see more >>U.S. crude oil plummeted to settle at a two-month low Friday, on demand growth concerns after some weak manufacturing data out of China, the worlds second largest energy user. Oil prices wer.........
see more >>Russian state-owned energy companiesRosneftand Gazprom moved closer to landmark deals with China, urged by President Vladimir Putin to forge deeper ties with Asias growing energy markets. Mo.........
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